Saturday, May 3, 2014

The "soft sayings" of the Atlantic Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Talking the talk is so so easy - just ask FDR and Churchill.

But walking the talk is so so much harder - just ask FDR and Churchill.

Looking at a photograph of a multi-cultural mix of highly attractive little children and saying "how could anyone even think of killing babies ?" is a soft saying.

Looking at a highly physically and mentally challenged newborn with part of their brain outside their skull and thinking that dear little child should be allowed to live and know love for as long as they can live - that is much much harder.

Saying that all of ugly - rude - evil humanity still deserves all our Agape love is a hard hard hard saying indeed.

Only Agape Love will animate all the high-flowing chatter about human rights

But it is in fact only when most of us take up the "hard saying" love of the unloveable (agape love) that the soft saying Universal Declaration of Human Rights will begin to govern how we humans interact with each other in this world....

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